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How to install Alamofire for iOS Swift development

There is a lot of good documentation on how to install Alamofire for iOS Swift development on the internet, and I thought I'd add to the cacophony of articles detailing how to do so, since a lot of terms were not explained to me, as a first time beginner not only to programming in the Swift language, but also the iOS and macOS operating systems.

The first thing you'll do is install Cocoapods: it's a manager that allows you to quickly install libraries for Swift. Run sudo gem install cocoapods in a Terminal window and enter your admin password.

Cool, now in the root path of your project, run pod init. Some files will automatically be generated for your Xcode project, so navigate to the root directory of the project you selected and open Podfile.

You'll find a line that says
# Pods for testing. Underneath the line, add pod 'Alamofire' and save and exit.

Go back to the Terminal, navigate to the root directory of your project, and run pod install.

That's it! You can now add Alamofire to your Xcode project.

Gideon Tong


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