The first step to any successful project is to ensure that there is a working design and that it has been thoroughly researched. This is especially true when the project entails modifying a car stereo and replacing it with a project of your own, including the probability of completely breaking the car. June 2nd, 2018. What I plan to do is to first build a working prototype that demonstrates the features that I would like. Lying around the house, I have several old computers, but I also have access to a rather popular single board computer known as the Raspberry Pi. Specifically, the Raspberry Pi I have is the Raspberry Pi 2 model B. I’m going to use Etcher in order to flash the latest version of Raspbian Stretch Lite , which as of writing is the April 2018 build . This copy of Raspbian no longer comes with SSH enabled by default, but according to the documentation here, it appears that creating a blank file “ssh” in the boot partition will cause SSH to be enabled by default. Nex...
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